That Alice from Wonderland is one little strumpet. And we’re not the first to say so. In fact, there’s a long list of literary, cinematic, and artistic voices out there that can give you a bunch of sexual interpretations of what falling down a rabbit hole really means. And the latest, from famed photographer Justice Howard, is about the best way we can think of to wrestle away those Monday blues.
The World Erotic Museum on South Beach will host a month-long exhibit by Howard entitled “Alice in Thunderland.” It will feature many of the photo subjects that have brought Howard to international acclaim, emphasizing vixens. Think back on your formative years, on the starlets that your parents always tried to keep you from watching (and doing other things, too), and chances are at least some of them will show up at the exhibit, at least in the photos. Mamie Van Doren, Sybil Danning of The Howling II, Amazon Women on the Moon, and punk rock’s Exene Cervenka are just some of the ladies on display. But, lest you think this is exploitation in the name of art, know that Howard’s work comes from her mantra – women empowerment. Sure, she focuses on Playboy Playmates and Penthouse Pets, but it’s done with an awareness that turns the tables on the objectifying lens.
Exhibition dates: May 2, 2011 – May 30, 2011