Education at the WEAM
Established by Melissa Blundell-Osorio, the museum's inaugural Director of Education, WEAM's Education Department is the first of its kind. Attitudes towards sex, gender, and sexuality influence almost every facet of our lives, including our language, which legislation is passed, what kind of clothes we wear, how we educate our kids, what's censored in the media, and more. WEAM's programming lineup is designed to explore these attitudes and how they impact our lives, as well as start changing the way we think and talk about sex.

WEAM produces and hosts various events, classes, and workshops that allow people to explore a wide variety of topics related to human sexuality. Through a combination of academic events, such as guest speakers and panel discussions, cultural programs, such as film screenings and true storytelling events, and experiential classes and workshops, WEAM is a hub for visitors interested in learning more about these topics.